This dramatic portrayal is one of Hokuei's most animated single sheets. Oguri rides his black steed, Onikage, into the sea at Fujisawa (station no. 7 along the Tôkaidô) in Sagami Province, with the island of Enoshima in Sagami Bay and Mt. Fuji in the distance. Oguri was celebrated for his horsemanship; many portraits show him on Onikage, a fierce equine that could be controlled only by Oguri. (Other popular images in various media depict Oguri with his horse standing on a goban or go board). The play was one of the Oguri Hangan mono ("Oguri Hangan plays"), their plots based on various Oguri legends as well as the military chronicle Kamakura daizôshi ("Great copybook of Kamakura") concerning the master of the Hitachi Castle, Oguri Hangan no Sukeshige, and his wife Yokoyama Terute-hime. Oguri's father Oguri Mitsushige, a provincial daimyô, failed in his revolt against the ruling Ashikaga clan, whereupon father and son were forced into hiding.
デラックス大判(38.0 x 26.3 cm)