Compiled by John Fiorillo and Peter Ujlaki
The abbreviations for the following reference works are those cited on this website.
- BOK: "A Brief Overview of Kamigata Stencil Prints." Nakade, Akifumi. In: Andon, nos. 72/73, pp. 34-51.
- BOS: "On the Background of Osaka Surimono — The Kyôka Poets and the Patrons." Matsudaira, Susumu. In: Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Surimono. Tokyo: International Surimono Society, 1977, pp. 33-37.
- BRH: The Bunraku Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to Japan's Unique Puppet Theatre with Synopses of All Popular Plays. Shuzaburô Hironaga. Tokyo: Maison des Arts, Inc., 1976.
- COP: Catalogue of Osaka Prints. Kennedy, Robin. London, 1979.
- DJA: A Dictionary of Japanese Artists: Painting, Sculpture, Ceramics, Prints, Lacquer. Roberts, Laurance. Tokyo and New York: Weatherhill, 1976.
- DSH: "Drama in the Surimono-style Prints of Hokuei." Fiorillo, John. In: Impressions, no. 20, 1998, pp. 60-77.
- EAO: "Edo Actors in Osaka Prints: Surimono by Ukiyo Utayoshi." Carpenter, John. In: Andon, nos. 72/73, 2002, pp. 95-101.
- EOM: "Enjaku: An Osaka Master of the Deluxe Print during the Transition to the Final Period." Fiorillo, John and Lühl, Hendrick. Andon (Special Issue), Society for Japanese Arts, 2006; 1-133.
- GAK: "Gigadô Ashiyuki: Kamigata no yakusha-e 2" (Gigadô Ashiyuki: Actor Prints from Kamigata 2). Matsudaira, Susumu. In: Kansai daigaku kokubungaku 43 (Kansai University, Japanese Literature Dept, Bulletin 43). Suita, 1968, pp. 29-44.
- GKK: "Ganjôsai Kunihiro: Kamigata no yakusha-e 4" (Ganjôsai Kunihiro: Actor Prints from Kamigata 4). Matsudaira, Susumu. In: Osaka no kenkyû 5 (Osaka studies 5), Osaka: Osaka Studies 5, 1970, pp. 333-69.
- GNP: "Gion Nerimono Prints Revisited: The List." Ujlaki, Peter and Nakade, Akifumi. In: Andon, no. 75, 2003, pp. 5-48.
- GPS: "The Gion Parade Stencil Prints." Ujlaki, Peter. In: Andon, no. 63, 1999, pp. 5-16.
- HOK: Hokuei: Master of Osaka Kabuki Prints. Fiorillo, John. Brussels: Ludion, 2024.
- HOP: Hirosada: Osaka Printmaker. Keyes, Roger. Long Beach: University Art Museum, 1984.
- HSH: Hasegawa Sadanobu hanga sakuhin ichiran (The Collected Printed Works of Hasegawa Sadanobu, 初代長谷川貞信版画作品一覧). Matsudaira, Susumu. Osaka: Izumi Shoten, 1997.
- HSK: Helden, Schurken, Kurtisanen — Das Japanische Kabuki-Theater des 19 Jahrhunderts in Holzschnitten der Osakameister (Heroes, Villains, Courtesans - The 19th Century Japanese Kabuki Theater in Woodblock Prints by Osaka Masters). Lühl, Hendrick. Kreis Unna, 1987.
- HTK: Hokushu to Toyokuni: Kamigata Edo yakusha-e meishô ten (Hokushu and Toyokuni: Exhibition of Masters of Actor Prints from Kamigata and Edo). Matsudaira, Susumu. Osaka: Ikeda Bunko Library, 1983.
- HVN: "Hokusai’s Visit to Nagoya." Matsudaira, Susumu. In: Andon , no. 8, pp. 25-29 [Article from a symposium on Hokusai held at the Royal Society of Antiquaries in the Rijksmuseum, March 1982].
- IBKYS-I: Kamigata yakusha-e shûsei (Collection of Kamigata Actor Prints), Vol. I. Matsudaira, Susumu. Osaka: Hankyû Gakuen Ikeda Bunko, 1997. [上方役者絵集成 : 財団法人阪急学園池田文庫所蔵 第一巻]
- IBKYS-II: Kamigata yakusha-e shûsei (Collection of Kamigata Actor Prints), Vol. II. Matsudaira, Susumu. Osaka: Ikeda Bunko, 1998. [上方役者絵集成 : 財団法人阪急学園池田文庫所蔵 第二巻]
- IBKYS-III: Kamigata yakusha-e shûsei (Collection of Kamigata Actor Prints), Vol. III. Kitagawa, Hiroko and Matsudaira, Susumu. Osaka: Ikeda Bunko, 2001 [上方役者絵集成 : 財団法人阪急学園池田文庫所蔵 第三巻]
- IBKYS-IV: Kamigata yakusha-e shûsei (Collection of Kamigata Actor Prints), Vol. IV. Kitagawa, Hiroko. Osaka: Ikeda Bunko, 2003. [上方役者絵集成 : 財団法人阪急学園池田文庫所蔵 第四巻]
- IBKYS-V: Kamigata yakusha-e shûsei (Collection of Kamigata Actor Prints), Vol. V. Kitagawa, Hiroko. Osaka: Ikeda Bunko, 2005. [上方役者絵集成 : 財団法人阪急学園池田文庫所蔵 第五巻]
- IKB-I: Ikeda bunko shozô — shibai banzuke mokuroku (Ikeda Bunko Library Collection: Catalogue of Theater Programs: 芝居番付目録 • 阪急学園池田文庫所蔵 第一巻), Vol. I. Matsudaira, Susumu (松平進). Osaka, 1981.
- IKB-II: Ikeda bunko shozô — shibai banzuke mokuroku (Ikeda Bunko Library Collection: Catalogue of Theater Programs: 芝居番付目録 • 阪急学園池田文庫所蔵 第二巻), Vol. II. Matsudaira, Susumu (松平進). Osaka, 1984.
- IKB-III: Ikeda bunko shozô — shibai banzuke mokuroku (Ikeda Bunko Library Collection: Catalogue of Theater Programs: 芝居番付目録 • 阪急学園池田文庫所蔵 第三巻), Vol. III. Matsudaira, Susumu (松平進). Osaka, 1990.
- IOA: "Ireki in Osaka Actor Prints." Lühl, Hendrick. In: Andon, nos. 72/73, pp. 65-94.
- IPO: "Illuminating the Prints of Osaka." Ujlaki, Peter. In: Daruma, no. 4, August 1994, pp. 7-13.
- JAS: Japanese Art Signatures. Self, James and Hirose, Nobuko. Rutland and Tokyo: Tuttle, 1987
- JYK: "Jukôdô Yoshikuni: Kamigata no yakusha-e 5" (Jukôdô Yoshikuni: Actor Prints from Kamigata 5). Matsudaira, Susumu. In: Baika Joshi Daigaku Kiyô 7 (‘Baika Women's University, Bulletin 7’). Osaka, 1970, pp. 1-31.
- JNR: Japanese Names and How to Read Them: A Manual for Art-Collectors and Students. Koop, Albert and Inada, Hogitarô. Londaon: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1961.
- KAM: Kamigata-e ichiran (Review of Kamigata Pictures, 上方絵一覧). Kuroda, Genji. Kyoto, 1929 [based on the celebrated Okada Isajirô Collection].
- KBN: Koban nishiki-e: Rare small-format colour prints from Osaka. (John Fiorillo & Peter Ujlaki). Andon no. 96, Society for Japanese Arts, 2014; 5-36.
- KBH: Kabuki Handbook. Halford, Audrey and Halford, Giovanna. Rutland: Tuttle,, 1956.
- KBS: Ukiyo-e Hanga — Kamigata-e hen (Ukiyo-e prints, compilation of Osaka prints: 浮世絵版画 上方絵編). Kubo Tsunehiko & Son, Kubosô Memorial Museum of Arts, Izumi, volume 2, 2009.
- KHO: Kabuki Heroes on the Osaka Stage, 1780-1830. C. Andrew Gerstle. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2005.
- KJJ: Kabuki jinmei jiten (Biographical dictionary of kabuki performers: 歌舞伎人名辞典). Nojima, Jusaburô (野島寿三郎). Tokyo: Nichigai Associates, 1988.
- KKT: Kyoto kabuki no ten (The Kabuki in Kyoto). Museum of Kyoto (Eds.). Kyoto, 1991.
- KNP-5: Kabuki nenpyô (Chronology of kabuki: 歌舞伎年表). Ihara, Toshirô (伊原敏郎). Vol. 5. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten (岩波書店), 1960.
- KNP-6: Kabuki nenpyô (Chronology of kabuki: 歌舞伎年表). Ihara, Toshirô (伊原敏郎). Vol. 6. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten (岩波書店), 1961.
- KNP-7: Kabuki nenpyô (Chronology of kabuki: 歌舞伎年表). Ihara, Toshirô (伊原敏郎). Vol. 7. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten (岩波書店), 1962.
- KNU: Kamigata no ukiyo-e, Osaka Kyoto no sui to waza (Ukiyo-e of Kamigata area, the sophistication of Osaka and Kyoto artists: 上方の浮世絵 ∙ 大坂 ∙ 京都 粋と技). Kitagawa, Hiroko (curator, exhib., Yamaguchi Prefectural Hagi Uragami Museum); Iwasa Shinichi, Sawa Koichi, Fuchida Keiko, eds. NHK PlanNet, Inc., 2014.
- KNZ: Kamigata nishiki-e zuroku (Record of Kamigata brocade prints, 上方錦絵図録). Matsudaira, Susumu. [Konan Women's University, Eds.] Kobe, 1997.
- KSG: Matsudaira Susumu, Kamigata ukiyo-e no saihatsu gen (A review examination of ukiyo-e prints in Kamigata, 上方浮世絵の再発見). Kodansha, Ltd., 1999.
- KSTZ: Kamigata shibai-e ten zoroku (Illustrated Record of an Exhibition of Kamigata Theater Prints). Matsudaira, Susumu. [Ikeda Bunko Library collection]. Tokyo: Kokuritsu Gekijô, 1985.
- KTO: "Kabuki Theater in Osaka and the Tempô Reforms," Matsudaira, Susumu. In: Keyes, Roger: Hirosada: Osaka Printmaker. Long Beach: University Art Museum, California State University, Long Beach, 1984, pp. 26-31.
- KUN: Kamigata ukiyo-e nihyaka-nen ten (Exhibition of 200 years of Kamigata ukiyo-e, 上方浮世絵200年展). Matsudaira, Susumu. Tokyo, 1975.
- KUS: Kamigata ukiyo-e no sekai (The World of Kamigata Ukiyo-e, 上方浮世絵の世界). Matsudaira, Susumu. Osaka: Izumi Shoin, 2000.
- KUT: Kamigata ukiyo-e ten (Collection of the National Theater (上方浮世絵展). Kokuritsu gekijô dentô jôhô-kan (National Theater Traditional Information Center, 国立劇場伝統情報館), Exhibition, 2020-2021.
- KWA: Kamigata ukiyoe meihin nobu zuroku no sôfu ni tsui te (Kamigata Ukiyo-e Masterpieces Exhibition Catalog, 上方浮世絵名品展図録の送付について) : Kônan joshi gakuen sôritsu 100 shûnen kinen (100th Anniversary of Konan Women's Academy, 甲南女子学園創立100 周年記念), 2021.
- MBN: Mameban nishiki-e: Diminutive colour prints from Kamigata. (Peter Ujlaki and John Fiorillo). Andon no. 103, Society for Japanese Arts, April 2017, 34-81.
- MYH: Miyako hyakkei : saishiki mokuhan gashû (The 100 scenes of Kyoto present and past, 都百景 : 彩色木版画集). Kyoto-shi : Kyoto Shinbunsha
(京都市 : 京都新聞社), 1994 (photography by Nakagawa Kuniaki 中川邦昭).
- NAN: Nanki korekushon ni yoru kamigata nishiki-e meihin ten (Exhibition of Masterpieces of Kamigata Brocade Prints in the Nanki Collection). Matsudaira, Susumu. Osaka Castle Museum, 1976.
- NHT: Naniwa hyakkei tokubetsu ten — ima okashi (Special Exhibition: One Hundred Views of Naniwa — Then and Now). Osaka Castle Museum, 1995.
- NHY: Gensun fukkoku 'Naniwa hyakkei' shûsei (Compilation of Full-scale Reproductions of One Hundred Views of Naniwa: 原寸復刻「浪花百景」集成). Osaka Municipal Central Library, 2020, Hashizume, Setsuya, et al.
- NJFP2: Nineteenth-century Japanese Figure Prints II: Kamigata-e. Lewis, R.E. Sales catalogue, Nicasio, CA, 1975.
- NJFP4: Nineteenth-century Japanese Figure Prints IV: Hirosada and the Later Osaka Artists. Lewis, R.E. Sales Catalogue, Nicasio, CA, 1976.
- NKE: New Kabuki Encyclopedia — A Revised Adaptation of Kabuki jiten. Leiter, S. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1997.
- NKK: Nanki korekushon ni yoru kamigata ukiyo-e meihin ten (Exhibition of Masterpieces of Kamigata Ukiyo-e Prints in the Nanki Collection). Matsudaira, Susumu. Osaka Castle Museum, 1977.
- NPST: Napurusuteku hakubutsukan shozô Nihon bijutsuhin zuroku (Catalogue of Japanese Art in the Naprstek Museum). Matsudaira, Susumu (research specialist for Osaka prints). Japanese Art Abroad Research Project (eds.), Vol. 3, 1994. Kyoto: International Research Center for Japanese Studies.
- NSA: "Notes on the Sumizuri Actor Prints of Kyoto." Kitagawa, Hiroko. In: Andon, 72/73, 2002, pp. 2733.
- OHZ: Osaka-Holzschnitte (Osaka Woodblock Prints). Lühl, Hendrick. Dortmund: Harenberg 1982.
- OK: Osaka Kagami (Mirror of Osaka). Doesburg, Jan van. Dodewaard, 1985.
- OM: Die Osaka Meister (The Masters of Osaka). Netto, Willibald and Speiser, Werner. Kunstmuseum Dusseldorf, 1966.
- OSK: Osaka Prints. Kruml, Richard. Sales Catalogue, London, 1976.
- OSP: Osaka Prints. Schwaab, Dean. New York: Rizzoli, 1989.
- OT: "Osaka Tattoos." Doesburg, Jan van. In: Andon, nos. 72/73, 2002, pp. 102-114.
- OWC: Osaka Woodcuts. Hajek, Lubor. London: Spring Books, ND (1959?).
- PRG: Puraha kokuritsu bijutsukan shozô Nihon bijutsuhin zuroku (Catalogue of Japanese Art in the National Gallery, Prague). Matsudaira, Susumu (research specialist for Osaka prints). Japanese Art Abroad Research Project (eds.), Vol. 4, 1994. Kyoto: International Research Center for Japanese Studies. [See entries for Osaka prints.]
- PPO: Protagonisti del Palcoscenico di Osaka — Stampe Xilografiche del Secolo XIX nelle Collezioni Pubbliche e Private Italiane (Protagonists of the Osaka Stage - 19th Century Graphic Prints from Public and Private Italian Collections). Kondo, Eiko. Bologna 2001.
- REN: "Hiiki Renchû (Theater Fan Clubs) in Osaka in Early Nineteenth Century." Matsudaira, Susumu. In: Modern Asian Studies, vol. 18, no. 4, 1984, pp. 699-709. [Reprinted in Leiter, S. (ed.): A Kabuki Reader — History and Performance. Chapter 7, pp. 112-122. Armonk: M.E. Sharpe, Inc., 2002.
- RDS: Kamigata ukiyo-e no saihakken (Rediscovering Kamigata ukiyo-e). Matsudaira, Susumu. Tokyo: Kodansha, 1999.
- RRT: "Representing Rivalry and Transition in Kabuki." Gerstle, C. Andrew. In: Andon, nos. 72/73, 2002, pp. 52-64.
- RSQ: "Ryûsai Shigeharu: 'Quick Change' Dances in the Utaemon Tradition." Fiorillo, John and Ujlaki, Peter. In: Andon, nos. 72/73, 2002, pp. 115-135.
- RSS: "A Rare Surimono by Shôkôsai and its Place among Early Osaka Actor Portraits." Fiorillo, John. In: Andon, no. 57, 1997, pp. 21-37.
- RYU: Ryûkôsai zuroku:Kamigata yakusha nigao-e no reimei (Ryûkôsai Catalogue: The Dawn of Osaka Actor Likeness Prints) 『流光斎図録—上方役者似顔絵の黎明』 Gerstle, Drew and Yano, Akiko. Nishinomiya Hyôgo: Mukogawa Joshi Daigaku (Mukogawa Women's University: 武庫川女子大学), 2009. [A PDF is available for download (last accessed March 10, 2020): Ryûkôsai]
- SBH: "Shunbaisai Hokuei: Kamigata no yakusha-e 3" (Shunkôsai Hokuei: Actor Prints from Kamigata 3). Matsudaira, Susumu. In: Baika Joshi Daigaku Bungakubu Kiyô 5 (Baika Women's University, Dept. of Literature, Bulletin 5). Osaka, 1968, pp. 63-106.
- SDK: Schätze der Kamigata: Japanische Farbenholzschnitte aus Osaka, 1780-1880 (Treasures of Osaka: Japanese Color Prints from Osaka, 1780-1880). Hendrick Lühl. Musee National d'Histoire et d'Art Luxembourg, 2013.
- SDM: Sadamasu, Distinguished Osaka print artist. Doesburg, Jan van. Den Esch, Dodewaard, The Netherlands, 2022 (privately issued in 80 copies:
- SKH: "Shunkôsai Hokushû: Kamigata no yakusha-e 1" (Shunkôsai Hokushû: Actor Prints from Kamigata 1). Matsudaira, Susumu. In: Baika joshi daigaku bungakubu kiyô 4 (Baika Women's University, Dept. of Literature, Bulletin 4), Osaka, 1969, pp. 65-112
- SSO: Stars from the Stage in Osaka — Early Nineteenth Century Japanese Kabuki Prints. Forrer, Matthi. Bergyek: Society for Japanese Arts, 1994.
- TPH: "The Theatrical Prints of Hokuei." Schwaab, Dean. In: Bulletin: Association Franco-Japonaise, no. 12, March 1986, pp. 4-12.
- TSC: "Tani Seikô and his Circle." Keyes, Roger. In: Andon, nos. 72/73, 2002, pp. 12-26.
- TUS: Tokubetsuten ukiyoeshi shodai Hasegawa Sadanobu ga egaita bakumatsu, Meiji no Osaka (Osaka during the Last Days of the Tokugawa Shogunate and Early Meiji Period, as depicted by the Ukiyo-e Artist Sadanobu Hasegawa). Osaka Castle Museum, 2003 [catalogue of special exhibition].
- TWA: "This is What We Accomplished: An Osaka Print Collector and His Circle". Keyes, Roger. In: The Commercial and Cultural Climate of Japanese Printmaking. A. Reigle Newland (Ed.). Amsterdam: Hotei Publishing, 2004, pp. 115-142.
- TWOP: The Theatrical World of Osaka Prints. Keyes, Roger and Mizushima, Keiko. Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1973.
- USC: "Utagawa Sadamasu, Creator of the Osaka Chûban Style." Doesburg, Jan van. In: Andon, 1989, no. 36, pp. 111-120.
- UT: Ukiyo-e taisei (Great Works of Ukiyo-e). Yoshida, Teruji (Ed). Tokyo: Teoheo Shoin; Vol. 11, 1931.
- VBM: van Biema Collection, National Museum of Asian Art. Smithsonian Institution, 2002 (section on Osaka prints, nos. 44-68, pp. 142-189.
- WAS I-4: Zenki Kamigata-e (Kamigata prints in the former period, 前期上方絵 Part I, Vol. 4). Matsudaira, Susumu [ed. by Waseda University Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum: (Waseda Daigaku Tsubouchi Hakase Kinen Engeki Hakubutsukan-hen: 早稲田大学坪内博士記念演劇博物館編)]. Tokyo: Waseda University, 1995.
- WAS II-5: Zenki Kamigata-e (Kamigata Prints in the Former Period, 前期上方絵 Part II, Vol. 5). Matsudaira, Susumu [ed. by Waseda University Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum: (Waseda Daigaku Tsubouchi Hakase Kinen Engeki Hakubutsukan-hen: 早稲田大学坪内博士記念演劇博物館編)]. Tokyo, 1995.
- WAS III-6: Kôki Kamigata-e (Kamigata Prints in the Later Period, 後期上方絵 Part III, Vol. 6). Matsudaira, Susumu [ed. by Waseda University Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum: (Waseda Daigaku Tsubouchi Hakase Kinen Engeki Hakubutsukan-hen: 早稲田大学坪内博士記念演劇博物館編)]. Tokyo: Waseda University, 1997.
- WB: Wellenblumen — Theater-holzschnitte aus Osaka (Waves of Flowers — Theater Woodblock Prints from Osaka). Lühl, Hendrick. Dusseldorf 1998.
- WKK: Watakushi no kamigata-e monogatari: kappazuri hen (The Story of Osaka Prints from My Collection: Compilation of Stencil Prints: 私の上方絵物語 : 合羽摺編). Nakade, Akifumi. Osaka: Nakao Shôsendo, 2003.
- WKN: Watakushi no kamigata-e monogatari: nishiki-e hen (The Story of Osaka Prints from My Collection: Compilation of Color Prints: 私の上方絵物語 : 錦絵編). Nakade, Akifumi. Osaka: Nakao Shôsendo, 2005.